
Posts Tagged ‘Google 3D Warehouse’

Google 3D Warehouse is a repository for sharing 3D models. A lot of users make 3D models to share on the Warehouse or to be attached on Google Earth. Mostly, the models are made by users of Google Earth to contribute to build the 3D globe. Buildings, streets, bridges, cultural heritage sites and much more are being modeled and shared on this 3D social network.

In my opinion, the 3D construction in such a social network is a kind of nonmarket production since firstly, it is sharing information and information is non-rival and considered as “public goods”. Secondly, usage and access to Google Earth is free. Users and non-users of 3D warehouse can use the models (not in commercial use though) as part of access to information. Thus the production takes place in a system that provides information, entertainment and fame as benefits.

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